Michael C. Adams


Regis University Graduate - May 2022

Master's of Science - Data Science

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Data Science Projects

Linked In Job Scraper Complete w/ NLP Resume Scanner

A web scraping tool built with Python’s Selenium package which takes in a title and location as an input, and returns x amount of pages of scraped job descriptions from LinkedIn. These job descriptions are then compared against an inputted Resume using Natural Language Processing.

End-to-End Machine Learning Project

A complete End-to-end Machine Learning project workflow, which takes in Iowa Housing Data, trains multiple regression models using sklearn, XGBoost, and optimizes these models with Grid Search CV to predict the selling prices of houses. This workflow goes through Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Cleaning/Wrangling, Feature Engineering, Parameter Fine-Tuning, and Predictive Analysis.

Deep Learning Image Recognition for Golf Ball Brand Recognition

A Deep Learning Classifier built with the Fast AI package in Python to identify brands when searching for Golf Balls.

COVID-19 Interactive Dashboard (Tableau)

An Interactive COVID-19 Dashboard with Data Updated to September of 2021 - Created with Tableau

Data Analyst SQL COVID Analysis

SQL Queries Including TEMP TABLES, CTE, and more Analysis on two COVID-19 Datasets

Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python

K-Means Analysis on Student Grade Data set Using Python’s Scikit-learn and Pandas Packages